Month: September 2023
Understanding Jimmy Buffet’s Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A Rare but Aggressive Skin Cancer
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), although rare, is a highly aggressive and potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer. Named after its discoverer, Dr. Friedrich Merkel—who identified it in 1875—MCC has gained increased attention in recent years due to its rapid progression and challenging treatment options. This post aims to shed light on this lesser-known skin cancer for …
Busting Skincare Myths: Separating Facts from Fiction for Radiant Skin
Navigating through skincare advice might feel like wandering a confusing labyrinth. With all the personal anecdotes, well-marketed products, and trending Internet “hacks” out there, it can be challenging to determine what is actually useful and what is not. Having encountered various skincare concerns as dermatologists in Florida, we can say we’ve seen it all. It’s …
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What Makes Dysport® a Good Idea?
Is Dysport® worth it? Our Naples-based patients at Skin Wellness Physicians are often curious about whether it’s worth checking out this minimally invasive wrinkle relaxer treatment, as well as how it compares to other botulinum toxin injections for reducing wrinkles. Still, you may be wondering: What exactly is Dysport® and what can it do for …