A Look at the Benefits of the Total Resurfacing Laser (TRL): Erbium Laser
Lasers complement the aesthetic suite of options of neurotoxins for dynamic facial skin wrinkles, fillers for facial re-volumization, and topical regimens for skin “fitness and nutrition.” Thinking of the skin as a fabric that can show weathering—or in some cases neglect—is important when considering non-surgical cosmetic improvements at Naples’ Skin Wellness Physicians and beyond.
The skin can metaphorically be seen as a shower curtain. Sometimes that plastic shower curtain accumulates some mold that needs to be cleaned off. Perhaps the plastic shower curtain used to be more of a velvet curtain, much like in a theater, and needs some help reverting back to that velvety feel. Maybe the curtain is now easily creased like a sheet of paper, and smoothing out those creases would give a better look. All of these metaphors can be used when thinking of the options available with energy devices for improvement of the skin.
Frequently, the earliest signs of weathering on the skin will be brown spots and increased redness. These early troubles are usually treated with some of the milder or less intensive energy-based devices, such as Sciton’s non-ablative broadband light (BBL) or the mildly ablative Moxi.
As the skin’s demands increase with time and continued exposure to the elements, the need for more intensive treatments increase. Lasers, such as Sciton’s Halo, can provide a deeper polish for brown spots and redness with mild improvements in skin wrinkling. However, as the depths of those wrinkles increase and become less amenable to the less-intensive options, a stronger, deeper resurfacing is required—and that is where the value of the TRL Erbium laser comes in.
TRL uses a safe laser wavelength that avoids many of the pitfalls of the more familiar CO2 laser, such as whitening around the mouth and the eyes. It ablates 100 percent of the skin in the treatment area and can be adjusted to different depths depending on the severity of the wrinkles and the area of the face that is being treated.
The mechanism of effect for the TRL is two-fold. First, it ablates the skin to smooth out the surface and directly eliminate wrinkles. There are limits to how deep the laser can go before increasing the risk of complications. The type of injury the TRL creates then instigates a cascade of effects in the skin that cause it to remodel during the healing process. The results from this phase can take a few months. That is why many patients will see a tremendous improvement within three to four weeks, but then see further improvements after three to four months.
Due to the intensity of this laser, only the most experienced laser surgeons should be entrusted to perform the procedure. Additionally, antibiotics and antivirals are required, as well as aggressive skin care following the procedure. Healing usually will require 15 to 20 days, after which some redness will persist for the next one to two months. Normal activity usually can resume within three weeks.
For more information about any of the treatments mentioned in this post, contact Skin Wellness Physicians by calling (239) 732-0044 or scheduling a visit online.