Is Visiting a Dermatologist in Naples, FL Necessary?

When it comes to visiting the doctor or dentist, we all procrastinate. Whether we have a fear of needles or simply have no time, we have all procrastinated before. No one wants to go to the doctor for nothing and this is another reason we procrastinate! One of the most common things that people tend to overlook are skin problems because many believe it will go away. This may or may not be your case and that’s why our team at Skin Wellness Physicians are here to share with you some instances where it’s necessary to visit a dermatologist in Naples, FL 

You have a rash that isn’t going away 

You may have a rash that isn’t going away and if it’s been there for longer than two weeks it could be a sign of something more severe than you thought. Whether it’s a skin irritation or a sign of eczema, it’s better safe than sorry to come in for a checkup.  

You have acne that won’t budge 

As you get older, acne seems like a thing of the past. However, if you are experiencing acne that won’t budge for over two or three months then it’s time to visit our professionals.  

You get a skin reaction when you’re in the sun 

You could’ve gone your whole life under the sun without getting any skin reactions and if you are experiencing more sun sensitivity than usual then you should visit us for a biopsy and blood work. Whether it’s something small like muscle aches or as bad as intense fatigue, you need to schedule an appointment with us! 

 You are sweating excessively 

Are you sweating excessively when you’re not under the sun? As you already know, our bodies create sweat to release toxins inside our bodies but when you sweat too much it can be a sign of something serious. It’s important for you to visit us so we can help you for whatever the cause may be. 

Your skin is extremely dry 

Do you constantly add lotion or moisturizer but notice that your skin is still dry? If your skin is extremely dry it can be due to hormonal imbalances or other health problems which can be determined by coming into our office.  

Schedule an Dermatology Appointment Today! 

If you are experiencing any of these signs then you should schedule an appointment with us today! Even if it feels like a small reason to visit us, it’s better safe than sorry. Don’t lose sleep worrying about your skin when you can get all your answers at Skin Wellness Physicians!  

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