What Are the Benefits of Kybella®?
A double chin might just be a little pocket of extra fat directly below the chin area, but it can still be a frustrating condition to have. Although excess weight can cause fullness around the face, genetics and aging can also make you predisposed to having more fat that “settles” below the chin. Bad posture may weaken the muscles of the neck and jaw, making a double chin more likely. No matter the cause of the bulge, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to live with it. Double chin treatments at our Naples-based Skin Wellness Physicians can be exactly what you need to sculpt a slimmer jawline.
Exercise and a sensible diet are certainly important tools for anyone who wants to get a slim look, but these strategies alone can’t specifically target the region below the chin, known as the submental area. For patients who want to focus on a double chin specifically, there is Kybella®.
Breaks Down Fat
The main benefit of Kybella® is that it dissolves fat in the jawline area to minimize a double chin and create a sleeker, younger looking jawline. The cells are broken down and processed by the body in the weeks and months after a session.
An Alternative to Liposuction
Traditionally, only plastic surgery—such as liposuction—could be used to remove double chin fat. Kybella® is a gentle, minimally invasive technique that only involves small injections made below the chin so there is no surgery, anesthesia, or sutures necessary.
Fat is Gone for Good
Unlike normal weight loss, where fat cells don’t disappear and are likely to become enlarged again in time, Kybella®dissolves the fat cells. They can’t regenerate, so there will actually be fewer fat cells in the region.
A Fast Way to Sculpt Your Jawline
Another great thing about Kybella® is how simple, straightforward, and quick the procedure is. The injections take minutes to administer, and once it has been completed, minimal recovery time will be needed. Patients can simply resume their normal activities.
If you want to reduce resistant fat in the neck and jawline areas, contact us about double chin treatments at Skin Wellness Physicians. Call (239) 732-0044 or submit a contact form to discuss options for treating a double chin or loose skin on the jawline.