Finding a Dermatologist in Naples, Florida
Many people suffer some sort of skin disorder at some point in their lives. Most teens battle with acne, while a number of adults suffer from rosacea, skin cancer and yes, even birthmarks. Whatever condition you have, you want to consult a dermatologist for help. There are a few good dermatologists in Naples, FL, but only one has the reputation you can count on – Skin Wellness Physicians.
Not every dermatologist in Naples, Florida, is the same. Know the different types of dermatologists before you look for one.
A general dermatologist will treat rashes, acne, and rosacea; they perform skin exams to check for questionable moles; and they may be able to help with issues such as thinning hair. They are a good starting place for anti-aging prescriptions to help battle wrinkles and brown spots.
A cosmetic dermatologist handles deeply etched wrinkles, scars, or persistent discoloration, basically anything that requires a peel, injection, or laser.
To find a dermatologist in Naples, Florida that suits your needs you need to:
Check their bios. Doctors usually have one on their practice’s website. Look for board certification from the American Academy of Dermatology. A website should also tell you whether the doctor’s focus is general or cosmetic and if they have other specialties.
Go for a consult. Schedule your first appointment for the beginning of the week. These are usually the busiest days. Take advantage of the full waiting room and talk to other patients about their experiences. Visiting a dermatologist in Naples, FL should never be a stressful experience so try to enjoy it!
Listen up. When you meet a cosmetic dermatologist for the first time, give a general reason for why you are there. Don’t go into detail. Let them make any recommendations based on what you say. Their opinion will give you a sense of their aesthetic philosophy, including how aggressive they are.
Ask the right questions. You want someone who performs the procedures you’re seeking on a regular basis (three to five cases a day is good barometer). For lasers, ask if the practice owns or rents the devices. If they rent, they are not doing the procedure as often. Also be sure to ask who is doing the lasering. Some doctors “supervise” while a nurse or technician does the actual procedure. It is up to your judgment whether you feel comfortable with that, or if you feel the doctor should be hands-on.
Give Skin Wellness Physicians a call today for an appointment – (239) 732-0044. Or stop by our office for your consultation – 8625 Collier Blvd.; Naples, FL 34114.