Who Would Be a Good Candidate for Laser Therapy?

If uneven, discolored, or lax skin is giving you an older, weathered, or more tired appearance, it’s only natural that you would want to do something about it. Aesthetic procedures such as laser therapy from our Naples and Marco Island-based practice helps patients to enhance their outer appearance so that it more closely reflects how youthful they feel on the inside.

Lasers can quickly remove unwanted red or brown pigment from the surface of the skin, making the devices a preferred choice for patients who are frustrated about age spots, sunspots, redness, and other irregularities. So, who would be an ideal candidate for this treatment? The answer is: Almost anyone! 

The best candidates for lasers include people who have mildly sagging skin, shallow acne or chickenpox scars, sun-damaged or leathery skin, or fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. As with any other cosmetic procedure, the ideal patients for this treatment are in good overall health, have a positive outlook, and maintain realistic expectations. Patients should remember that lasers can drastically improve their skin’s appearance but are not guaranteed to produce flawless or perfect skin. Ideally, candidates should have good skin elasticity, a non-oily complexion, a light to medium skin color, and light or moderate blemishes. 

It’s worth noting that there are certain conditions that may prevent some patients from being eligible for laser-based treatments. It’s best to start by talking to our team to find out for sure whether you qualify and learn about what your options are, since each person’s situation is unique. Generally, patients who have active acne, pronounced wrinkles, stretch marks, very dark skin, or severe loss of elasticity in their skin that causes excess sagging would get better results from other treatment options. 

Laser resurfacing procedures revitalize the tone and texture of skin that has been damaged by aging or external elements. For more advice about laser therapy, contact the team at Skin Wellness Physicians. Call our practice today at (239) 732-0044 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you want to talk to us about your cosmetic concerns. 

Skin Wellness Physicians

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